
ERC Consolidator Grant for Prof. Harvey Meyer



Harvey Meyer has been awarded a Consolidator Grant for his proposal"Strong-interaction matter coupled to electroweak probes and darkmatter candidates" (SIMDAMA). Harvey Meyer conducts frontier researchon the matter that emerges from the strong interactions of quarks andgluons, using the ab initio framework of Lattice QuantumChromodynamics. The grant will support doctoral and post-doctoralresearchers over a period of five years. From a total of 2538evaluated proposals this year, 329 Consolidator Grants will be fundedby the ERC.

12th European Research Conference on Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei

29.10.2017 - 04.11.2017

This conference series covers experimental and theoretical topics in the areas of nuclear and hadronic physics. It also serves as a forum for contacts and discussions of current and future developments in our field. The conference has unofficially been a counterpart of the US Gordon conference on photonuclear physics and held in alternate years with traditionally a strong US participation. No proceedings will be produced, in the tradition of Gordon and Euroconferences, in order to encourage the frank exchange of even tentative information.

SFB School 2017

29.08.2017 - 01.09.2017

The SFB 1044 "The Low-Energy Frontier of the Standard Model" held its annual Summer School at the Hotel Ebertor in Boppard from 29 August to 01 September 2017. Invited lecturer Adam Szczepaniak (Indiana U) spoke about Partial Wave Analysis and all that. Dr. Sören Lange from Gießen talked about experimental aspects. The program also included contributions from members of the SFB (graduate students, postdocs).


26.06.2017 - 29.06.2017

Der vom Institut für Kernphysik organisierte "International workshop on e+e- collisions from Phi to Psi (PhiPsi17)" fand vom 26.-29. Juni 2017 statt.

PhiPsi17 war der 11. Workshop in einer Serie, die in Karlsruhe (1996) und in Novosibirsk (1999) angefangen hat und jedes zweite Jahr fortgesetzt wird. Das Ziel von PhiPsi ist es, Experimentalphysiker und Theoretiker zusammen zu bringen, um einen detaillierten Überblick über den Stand der Hadronenphysik bei Niedrigenergiebeschleunigern zu gewinnen. Im Workshop werden auch Neuentwicklungen mitgeteilt und die Möglichkeiten der bestehenden sowie zukünftigen Einrichtungen diskutiert.