Univ.-Prof. Dr. Achim Denig

Short CV

Doctoral thesis, University of Karlsruhe (summa cum laude)

Marie-Curie-Fellow (EU), Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy

Head of Emmy Noether Young Investigator Group (DFG), University of Karlsruhe

since 2004
Research at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA (BaBar collaboration)

since 2008
W3-Professor, Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Mainz Research at Mainzer Mikrotron MAMI and GSI (PANDA experiment)

since 2009
Section Leader, Helmholtz Institute Mainz

since 2012
Co-Spokesperson of SFB/CRC 1044, The Low-Energy Frontier of the Standard Model
Section Leader, PRISMA Cluster of Excellence
Research at IHEP, Beijing (BES-III collaboration)

Head of the Section "Hadron and Nuclear Physics" of the German Physical Society

Acting Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics

Research Interests

  • Hadron physics with electromagnetic probe
  • Precision measurements of hadronic cross sections
  • Hadron spectroscopy (light quark and charm sector)
  • Flavour physics (kaon, B, charm)
  • Hardware: tracking detectors

Key Publications

  • The tracking detector of the KLOE experiment
    M. Adinolfi et al. [KLOE collaboration] Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 488 (2002) 51
  • Measurement of σ(e+e-→π+π-γ) and extraction of σ(e+e-→π+π-) below 1 GeV with the KLOE detector
    A. Aloisio et al. [KLOE collaboration] Phys. Lett. B 606 (2005) 12
  • Measurements of the absolute branching ratios for the dominant KL decays, the KL lifetime, and Vus with the KLOE detector
    F. Ambrosino et al. [KLOE collaboration] Phys. Lett. B 632 (2006) 43 83
  • Evidence for D0–anti-D0 mixing
    B. Aubert et al. [BaBar collaboration] Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 211802
  • Measurement of the γγ*→π0 transition form factor
    B. Aubert et al. [BaBar collaboration] Phys. Rev. D 80 (2009) 052002
  • Search for Light Gauge Bosons of the Dark Sector at the Mainz Microtron
    H. Merkel et al. [A1 collaboration] Phys.Rev.Lett. 106 (2011) 251802
  • Observation of a charged charmoniumlike structure in e+e- to pi+pi-J/psi at \sqrt{s}=4.26 GeV
    M. Ablikim et al. [BES III collaboration] Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 252001 arXiv: 1303.5949